Der Magische Pakt der
Illuminaten von Thanateros


Possibly, there are no absolute truths. Those who call us crazy or superstitious are possibly mistaken. Possibly, we do not have any limits other than those we set for ourselves. And possibly we’re just imagining all this.

We, the IOT (short for „the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros“) are a community where we come together to do magic and to learn and grow with each other. We are not interested in money or the authoritarian hierarchies of other occult orders: We do not demand membership fees, nor do we have a common creed or rigid requirements.

In the IOT, power flows from the bottom up, instead of being exercised on all others by a few leading members. With our magic, all possibilities and techniques are open to us. It is precisely our inidividuality, our differences and the freedom from rules that constitute us, or chaos magic.

If you want to learn more about our community and the structure of the Pact, we recommend the following book:

The Book – 3rd edition 2023

Excerpt: The book of the novice

The book of the novice

If you have further questions after this book, they may be answered here:


In addition, we have a (mostly German) blog, where you can find examples of our magic testimonials, articles, book recommendations and much more.

Oh, and one more thing…

Recently, the chaos star symbol has been appropriated by the Eurasianist movement and some of its affiliated organizations. The German I.O.T. Section wishes to make it clear that we are unequivocally not associated with any kind of fascist, nationalist, or jingoist movement. Chaos magic represents a system of profound creativity and liberation, and is contrary to any ethnopolitical agenda. While taking a bit of fiction and charging it with real power is exactly in line with chaos magic, it seems silly for organizations founded on “tradition” and “historic” nationalism to represent themselves by a symbol so obviously rooted in modern fantasy.

Impressum: Nils Möllers, Heinkstr. 9, 04347 Leipzig